Enhancing the factor analysis of information risk methodology for assessing cyberresilience in critical infrastructure information systems





cyberresilience, critical infrastructure, information systems, factor analysis


Purpose: is to explore the Factor Analysis of Information Risk methodology as a tool for assessing and managing information risk in critical infrastructure systems, and to identify opportunities for improvement in the methodology. The article also provides an overview of other frameworks and standards that can be used in conjunction with the Factor Analysis of Information Risk methodology to enhance the overall effectiveness of risk management in critical infrastructure systems.

Method: factor analysis and empirical research methods were used in the study.

Theoretical implications: involve potential improvements to the Factor Analysis of Information Risk methodology, contributing to a more comprehensive framework for information risk management in critical infrastructure systems.

Practical consequences: involve the potential for improved risk assessments and risk management in critical infrastructure systems through the refinement and development of the Factor Analysis of Information Risk methodology; by identifying gaps and opportunities for improvement in the methodology and providing an overview of other frameworks and standards that can be used in conjunction with Factor Analysis of Information Risk, this article can inform the development of more effective risk management policies and practices; the article may also encourage the use of Factor Analysis of Information Risk and other frameworks and standards in critical infrastructure systems to enhance their security and resilience against potential cyber threats.


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How to Cite

Shypovskyi, V. (2023). Enhancing the factor analysis of information risk methodology for assessing cyberresilience in critical infrastructure information systems. Political Science and Security Studies Journal, 4(1), 25-33. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7876556


