Military and political decisions: essence, content, classification




military policy, military-political decision, state, civil society, hybrid war


The study is based on the experience of the development and practical implementation of military-political decisions aimed at countering russian aggression by the state authorities of Ukraine. On this basis, the essence and content of military-political decisions are determined, the main approaches to their classification are proposed, taking into account the latest hybrid wars. The conclusions indicate the objective nature of the problem of military-political decisions in the state-building process. The research hypothesis was to prove the primacy of state military-political decisions in modern Ukraine over non-state ones. This hypothesis is generally proven. The main research methods were: historical, institutional, structural-functional, operational, comparative, regulatory and legal methods.


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How to Cite

Sen, M. (2023). Military and political decisions: essence, content, classification. Political Science and Security Studies Journal, 4(2), 49-54.


