Methods and techniques of energy calculation in models of electromagnetic influences on radio-electronic equipment of technical means of logistic support




technical means, weapons and military equipment, logistical support, radio-electronic equipment, electromagnetic influence, -electronic influence, weapons


The purpose of the article consists of analyzing existing scientific approaches, methods, methods, models of electromagnetic influences on radio-electronic equipment, and technical means of logistical support to determine and justify the most appropriate equations and expressions for calculating the energy induced by electromagnetic weapons. The article reveals the scientific approaches and views of many scientists regarding the theory and practice of electromagnetic influence on radio-electronic equipment and circuits of electrical equipment of technical means and ways to create protection against these influences. The shortcomings of this process are indicated and a number of promising ways to improve it are proposed. The results of the study are a starting point for increasing the efficiency (quality) of protection of radio-electronic equipment and circuits of electrical equipment of technical means of armaments and military equipment, in particular technical means of logistics.


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How to Cite

Khomik, M., Kupriyenko, D., Hatsenko, S., & Khoroshilova, S. (2023). Methods and techniques of energy calculation in models of electromagnetic influences on radio-electronic equipment of technical means of logistic support. Political Science and Security Studies Journal, 4(3), 55-60.


