Formal and legal requirements for public administration bodies for the prevention of a major industrial accident




high risk establishment, major accident, emergency plan, State Fire Service, Environmental Inspectorate


The article presents issues concerning selected elements in the field of counteracting major industrial accidents, concerning formal and legal requirements for public administration bodies, their location in legal norms in the aspect of tasks performed in relation to the needs of the society. In this context, a review was made of legal acts related to the functioning of the major-accident prevention system, concerning the requirements for the bodies of the State Fire Service and the Environmental Protection Inspection.

Moreover, the provisions contained in legal regulations were analysed and their significance in the area of development and implementation of documentation by the State Fire Service authorities, concerning mitigation, combating and removal of effects of a major industrial accident, was explained.

The subject is based on the provisions of the European Union law and environmental law regulations and executive acts indicating the requirements which are directed in the context of public administration bodies for counteracting major industrial accidents. The objective of the accident prevention system is to limit, liquidate and remove the effects of a major accident, therefore the public administration bodies should ensure effective and efficient actions to save lives, property and the environment. The article indicates, in theoretical research, that in order for such actions to take place, it becomes necessary to introduce appropriate changes in national executive acts, concerning the determination of the way of combating the hazard by taking action in case of an industrial accident, as indicated in the European Union directive.


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How to Cite

Kołcz, B. (2024). Formal and legal requirements for public administration bodies for the prevention of a major industrial accident. Political Science and Security Studies Journal, 5(1), 7-23.


