Non-destructive control of complex semiconductor structures of radio electronic equipment with feedback circuits




automatic control system, autonomous automated diagnostic system, object of control, feedback circuits, physical and chemical processes, radio-electronic component


The article analyzes the possibility of using non-destructive testing methods (namely thermal methods) to solve the main problems of technical diagnostics, such as: regulation of technical condition, fault localization and forecasting. Semiconductor radio-electronic equipment is selected as the object of control. It is fundamentally important to have in the object of control elements of feedback, which make it impossible to solve the problem of determining the technical condition using the methods of functional control. It is of the utmost importance that modern radio-electronic equipment is created using large integrated circuits, and defining a separate functional unit (separation of units) with changed parameters (with degradation of the state) is almost impossible.

Automatic control systems are present in electronic equipment both in the form of separate systems, and as a part of other functional knots and blocks as regulating devices. In the article, on the example of the scheme of phase auto-tuning of frequency, the possibility of solving technical diagnostics problems for the class of feedback systems (automatic control systems) is considered. Using the method of self-radiation (compatible with an autonomous automated diagnostic system) allows you to automatically determine the mode of operation of the elements that are part of the feedback circuits and thus the state of the entire circuit reentrancy (object of control).

The accumulation (increase) of voltage in the elements of the feedback circuits clearly indicates a deviation in the operation of the main system. This information, displayed by means of indications, allows reacting quickly to the current state of the object of control.


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Author Biographies

Mariia Romanenko, Military Institute of Telecommunications and Informatization named after the Heroes of Kruty

PhD student

Vasul Kuzavkov , Military Institute of Telecommunications and Informatization named after the Heroes of Kruty

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Docent, Head of the Department Construction of Telecommunication Systems of the Faculty Telecommunication Systems

Serhii Pohrebniak , Military Institute of Telecommunications and Informatization named after the Heroes of Kruty

PhD student

Kostiantyn Sokolov, Military Institute of Telecommunications and Informatization named after the Heroes of Kruty

Head of the Information Technology Department of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine

Andrii Zinchenko , The National Defence University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi

Dr. of  Sc., Prof., Chief of the Department of Communication and Automated Control System


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How to Cite

Romanenko, M. ., Kuzavkov , V. ., Pohrebniak , S. ., Sokolov, K. . ., & Zinchenko , A. . (2020). Non-destructive control of complex semiconductor structures of radio electronic equipment with feedback circuits. Political Science and Security Studies Journal, 1(2), 44-50.


