Terrorism as a social and political phenomenon; denominational hypocrisy of Western and non-Western terrorism


  • Faruk Hadzic Independent researcher




Terrorism, Hypocritical norms, Western terrorism, Islamic terrorism, Political violence, Fear


The study's objective is to explore the social and political framework of terrorism and critically analyze the antihumanist approach to denominational hypocrisy of Western and non-Western terrorism. Radicalization and violent extremism are becoming increasingly pronounced threats to societies' security and stability at the global level. Despite the lack of uniform definitions and views on this phenomenon, terrorism as an antihumanist approach to struggle must be condemned by all nations and all religious groups within countries to delegitimize its protagonists. These are issues at the global level and transmitted to the national and local levels. It is a strategy of violence designed to achieve results by gradually causing fear and insecurity. It is the violence directed against faith, tolerance, freedom, and humanistic values internationally. Thus, the suspension of morality and the suspension of legal regulations for everyday conditions, for living in peace. Many violent cases classified as terrorism show that politically motivated violence is a massive, complex, and present issue in societies than reducing the whole phenomenon to militant Islamist groups or isolated individuals. An argument often made in discussions of terrorism is those committed by whites, or Christians, within the political or religious beliefs and ideologies do not count as terrorism because of double standards. The public administrations and the media should avoid calling terrorist organizations Islamic and not forcing "the conflict with Islam." The hypocritical attitudes and behavioral patterns are contra-productive. The changing "Islamic terrorism" prejudice paradigm's discourse should harmonize attitudes and behavioral patterns, which are critical. Extremism can be attributed to any religion, but no religion should, in any case, be accused of motivating extremism.


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How to Cite

Hadzic, F. (2020). Terrorism as a social and political phenomenon; denominational hypocrisy of Western and non-Western terrorism. Political Science and Security Studies Journal, 1(2), 57-68. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4428286


