The concept of security in the integration processes of the European union countries


  • Iryna Grushko PhD student Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University



international relations, threat, policy, international security, cooperation, transformation, integration


The study provides the analysis of theoretical approaches to the concept of security in the European Union integration processes. Methodological bases for development of the concept of security of the European Union integration processes based on two paradigms of activity are offered. The first one provides institutional and financial autonomy in defense and peacekeeping; the second one involves the delegation of most security powers and the collective security of the Commonwealth. The main stages of building the European security and defense policy in the context of new threats to regional and global security are analyzed. The following tasks have been identified as the priority areas for further development of the EU: consensus decision making in all areas of the common security and defense policy; development of a new methodology for responding to threats; effective use of opportunities for international cooperation.


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How to Cite

Grushko, I. (2021). The concept of security in the integration processes of the European union countries. Political Science and Security Studies Journal, 2(2), 18-24.


