Problems of building an effective policy information security of the enterprise




information resources, information security, information security policy, information protection, computer technology, software, information security threats, communication channels, information attacks, internet fraud


The necessity of building an effective information security policy of a modern enterprise is substantiated, the main components of such a policy are highlighted; summarizes the main types of information threats associated with the use of modern computer technology; groups of means of counteraction to threats to information security are systematized; the general characteristic of the basic directions of technical protection of information systems has resulted; the factors on which the organization of effective protection of information system of the modern enterprise depends are analyzed; the list of questions which need to be considered at the construction of a policy of information security is offered; offers a number of recommendations to minimize the risks associated with information security of the enterprise.


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Author Biography

Andrii Pecheniuk, State Agrarian and Engineering University in Podilya

Candidate of Sciences (Economics),
Associate professor of the Department of Finance, Banking, Insurance and
electronic payment systems


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How to Cite

Pecheniuk, A. . (2021). Problems of building an effective policy information security of the enterprise. Political Science and Security Studies Journal, 2(2), 12-17.


