Economic and legal principles of customs security in the context of international internet trade
customs security, customs legislation, customs procedures, Internet, international trade, e-commerceAbstract
This article is devoted to the substantiation and developers of economic and legal principles of security in the context of international Internet trade. A special solution of international Internet trade as an object of strong security is considered. The economic benefits of participants in international Internet trade have been established, which determine its intensification and the threat of minimal security on their basis. The main international organizations dealing with customs security in the field of international Internet trade are the World Customs Organization (WMO), the World Trade Organization (WTO), and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). The characteristics of the main sources of the international level on dimensional security in the context of conventions and agreements are given. The economic and legal bases of customs security in the context of international Internet trade are systematized and formed.
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