Evaluation of economic efficiency for metrological maintenance system of measuring instruments for the weapons and military equipment parameters control





economic efficiency, metrological maintenance, weapons and military equipment, measuring instruments, parameters control


Metrological maintenance of measuring instruments for weapons and military equipment parameters control is carried out in order to provide reasonable conclusions about the serviceability, and, as a consequence, the suitability of measuring instruments for use as intended. However, today the metrological maintenance system of measuring instruments for weapons and military equipment parameters control requires improvement, taking into account modern requirements for weapons and military equipment, as well as development trends of the Ukraine Armed Forces. In order to prevent excessive expenditure of resources when carrying out metrological maintenance of measuring instruments for weapons and military equipment parameters control to ensure the correct decision-making regarding the technical condition of measuring instruments and a sample of weapons and military equipment in general, it is necessary to obtain estimates that will allow analyzing the measuring instruments for weapons and military equipment parameters control and to synthesize an optimal metrological maintenance system of measuring instruments for weapons and military equipment parameters control according to certain efficiency indicators, in particular, in terms of economic indicators.

To determine the economic efficiency for metrological maintenance system of measuring instruments for weapons and military equipment parameters control, the article proposes to use a complex economic indicator, which takes into account the coefficient of performance by a sample of weapons and military equipment of the assigned task, the economic effect (that is, benefit), as a result of a sample of weapons and military equipment using for its intended purpose and losses associated with the failure to fulfill its tasks, respectively.


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How to Cite

Diadechko , A. O., & Mykhailova, A. . V. (2021). Evaluation of economic efficiency for metrological maintenance system of measuring instruments for the weapons and military equipment parameters control. Political Science and Security Studies Journal, 2(2), 73-76. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5028984


