Resilience and constantly of information infrastructure functioning within the national resilience system




electronic communications, information infrastructure, cyber threats and cyber incidents, stability and resilience of the system


The article examines the stability and resilience of the information infrastructure under the influence of modern cyber threats and cyber incidents. First of all, the importance of electronic communications in further implementation of programs and projects on informatization of all spheres and social processes in the framework of “e-society” and “e-government”, as well as providing a wide range of public online services and online database access services was noted. (“ACTION”), online trade, services and works. Further digitalization and virtualization of all spheres of life and everyday life of the average citizen; processes of human-citizen-state relations and management systems, monitoring of critical infrastructure (at the object and general industry levels) increase the risks of cyber threats, which in turn affects the provision of a sufficient level of stability and resilience of all networks and systems. Today, experts distinguish such categories of crimes as: attempts to obtain user rights, attempts to obtain administrator rights, violations of corporate security policy and network malware. This mainly concerns the public and corporate sectors. As for the household level, it is mainly phishing, the purpose of which is to collect personal data for financial fraud, cyberbullying, etc. The events of January this year have shown that cyber threats are increasingly becoming an instrument of hybrid warfare. After all, as a result of cyber-attacks, the work of more than 24 websites of authorities and the “ACTION” platform was blocked and more than 70 sites were shut down to stop the spread of cyber-attacks. In addition, reports of mass mines in educational institutions in entire cities have become a new type of cyber threat. This allows us to talk about the need to increase the activity of the state and the private sector in combating cyber threats.

Thus, in the framework of building a national system of resilience, Ukraine took part in the exercise “Inviolable Resilience 2020”, which was held under the auspices of NATO in Ukraine in September 2021 in Odessa. This provided practical experience: working in teams consisting of representatives of the security and defense forces and representatives of critical infrastructure; in the development of practical skills, abilities and competencies during the implementation of measures in crisis situations; elaboration of proposals on normative-legal regulation of raising the level of the national system of stability and cyber protection at all levels (from national to object).


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How to Cite

Gnatiuk, S., Bakalynsky, A., Myalkovsky, D., & Pakholchenko, D. (2022). Resilience and constantly of information infrastructure functioning within the national resilience system. Political Science and Security Studies Journal, 3(1), 26-31.




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