Facilitating national security of Ukraine by means of arts





national security, cultural diplomacy, dialogue of cultures, interpretation, Maurice Ravel, ‘The Spanish Hour’, interaction of art


Modern theory of national security is based on many concepts: international security, economic security and more. However, due to objective and subjective factors, insufficient attention is paid to the cultural component of state-building processes. Dialogue of cultures, the interaction of artistic creativity of artists from different countries have significant potential in the field of cultural diplomacy, the effectiveness of which affects the state of national security.

An example of the trend of such interaction is the Ukrainian interpretation of the French opera ‘The Spanish Hour’ by Maurice Ravel, the specifics of which are the content of this article from the standpoint of dialogue of cultures.


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How to Cite

Dats, I., & Gerasimenko, L. (2022). Facilitating national security of Ukraine by means of arts. Political Science and Security Studies Journal, 3(1), 38-43. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6566150


