Symbols of the full-scale Russian federation invasion of Ukraine: public relations tools of mythologization of the military aggression




brand, myth, symbols, conscientious war, consciental weapon


The article is dedicated to the case study of the Russian Federation’s consciental war, aimed at influencing both the Ukrainian target audience and the international community. In particular, the new stage of Russia's war against Ukraine, namely the full-scale invasion of Russian troops into Ukraine on February 24, 2022 and its informational and suggestive support tracking is being covered. The article provides analysis of political brands principle of operational establishment within the scope of the “special military operation” by means of PR technologies. It also examines the features of the symbols adopted by the Russian Federation military army-level components within the framework of the consciental war from the perspective of mythologization. The concept of political myth and regressive mythologization as a tool of Kremlin’s data manipulation at the geopolitical level is also defined. The spiral of the political brands life cycle as well as the structure of the political brand “Z” is described. The objective of the article is to conduct analysis of the political brand operational establishment principle by means of artificial mythologization throughout the large-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine.


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How to Cite

Kashperska, D. . (2022). Symbols of the full-scale Russian federation invasion of Ukraine: public relations tools of mythologization of the military aggression. Political Science and Security Studies Journal, 3(2), 3-10.


