Autocratic Democracy and the Challenge of National Development in Nigeria’s Fourth Republic




autocratic democracy, constitutionalism, democracy, elitism, national development


The birth of Nigeria’s fourth republic in 1999 was greeted with great optimism that the much-desired national development, denoted by a significant decrease in the rate of unemployment, poverty, and inequality, was to become a reality. This optimism was located in the belief that democracy provides the best condition for development to thrive. The study however observed that after over two decades of uninterrupted democratic rule, the desired national development remains a mirage. This is traceable to the autocratic nature of democracy in the country as indicated by elitist political leadership, disregard for the principle of the rule of law, and the noticeable disconnect between the leadership class and the masses in terms of responsibility and accountability. The study recommended, inter alia, the opening up of the political space and constitutionalism for the achievement of national development in Nigeria.


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How to Cite

Adenuga, G., & Akingbulu, O. (2024). Autocratic Democracy and the Challenge of National Development in Nigeria’s Fourth Republic. Political Science and Security Studies Journal, 4(4), 7-22.


