Published since 2020

The “Political Science and Security Studies Journal” is a broad-based scientific journal aiming to be a pluralist platform for advancing academic knowledge and debate in the field of security and politics. The journal also publishes articles on further topics that fit the journal’s mission from scholars in related disciplines (sociology, philosophy, social psychology, computer sciences, economics and law).

Founder and Publisher: High school of the social and economic in Przeworsk.

Frequency: Quarterly, (March, June, September, December) from 2020.

Manuscript languages: English.


Chief Editor: Dr. Sc., Full Professor BRITCHENKO Igor

Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Prof., Dr. of Sciences TKACH Ivan

The editorial board includes prominent domestic and foreign scholars consisting of 12 doctors of sciences from Poland, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Belgium, and Indonesia.

Editorial policies and peer review are based on relevant and professional standards:

Peer review is a transparent, independent, and professional editorial process (Double-blind peer review model with at least 2 external reviewers) based on:

Journal Policies based on high ethical and professional standards. See more Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement (Ethical obligations of the Journals’ Editorial Board, Ethical obligations of authors, Ethical obligations of reviewers).

Instructions for authors

License terms: The journal is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International CC-BY license.

Open access policy: This Journal provides full immediate open access upon publication. Full-text access to scientific articles of the journal is presented on the official website in the Archives.

Authors charges

Adherence to declarations and statements:

Archiving: Journalʼs digital archive is permanently preserved by LOCKSS.

The mailing address of the editorial office: ul. Gimnazjalna 35, 37-200 Przeworsk, Poland

Executive Editor: Dr., Mykola Tkach


Phone: +38(093)-75-28-156