Technical and economic assessment of the weapons and military equipment exploitation




weapons, equipment, material, cost, maintenance


The development of military technologies encourages the military leadership of the states to purchase new models of weapons and military equipment (WME).

An analysis of the WME park in service with the Armed Forces of Ukraine shows that over the past eight years, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have adopted and commissioned a small number of new and modernized models of weapons. In addition, a significant number of different types of WME are under development or undergoing state testing. 

It is clear that new or upgraded models of WME that come into service must be effective in performing tasks (troops). That is, to have greater firepower, protection from means of destruction, improved tactical and technical characteristics, reliability, unification, etc. However, an integral part of the purchase (adoption) of new (upgraded) WME models is not only the cost of their purchase, but also the cost of their operation. That is, how much money will need to be spent on maintenance, repair of relevant WME samples, costs of fuels and lubricants, and so on.

Therefore, the paper proposes a method of technical and economic evaluation of WME samples that are accepted into service or allowed to operate in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. It is proposed to divide the structure of total costs for the exploitation of WME into several components, ie: costs for storage of WME, costs for maintenance of WME, costs for fuel and lubricants, costs for repair of samples of weapons, ammunition costs. Accordingly, each of the components of total costs includes its own indicators, which together form the total cost of operation of the corresponding sample of WME.


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How to Cite

Dachkovskyі V., & Kondratiuk, I. (2021). Technical and economic assessment of the weapons and military equipment exploitation. Political Science and Security Studies Journal, 2(4), 42-50.


